Refresher Short-term Insurance: Personal Lines
7,5 CPDR705.00
The purpose of this course is to provide an overarching understanding of the Financial Services Industry and related regulation as well as provide core knowledge and understanding of characteristics, terms and features of products for individual (non-commercial) clients in the Short-term Insurance Personal Lines Class of Business. These would include liability, miscellaneous, motor, accident and health, property, transportation policies short-term reinsurance or a combination of any of these.
The course includes typical fee structures, charges and other costs, as well as any risks associated with purchasing or transacting in these products thereby ensuring anyone assessing the appropriateness of products clearly understands this class of business and is able to successfully meet client’s needs and objectives.
Once you have completed this course you will be able to:
- identify inter-relationships within and between classes of Short-term Insurance business.
- demonstrate understanding of financial services and the associated legislation/regulation; industry standards and codes of conduct applicable to the Short-term Insurance industry.
- identify the general need of clients or groups of clients in respect of Short-term Insurance products.
- describe the general characteristics, terms and features of Short-term Insurance products.
- describe the typical fee structures, charges and other costs associated with Short-term Insurance products.
- describe the general risk principles, options and strategies associated with Short-term Insurance products.
- describe the impact of applicable economic and environmental factors on the Short-term Insurance industry.
- assess the appropriateness of Short-term Insurance products for specific client needs.
Who Should Register
- Key Individual
- Representative
Nomsa –