Moonstone Investment Indicators
6 CPDR995.00
Moonstone Investment Indicators, which provides readers with investment information, regulatory changes and industry news that affects the investment and long-term insurance sector of the industry, is an FPI-approved CPD publication. Access weekly editions with news articles and related assessments online and earn 0.5 Regulatory CPD hours per successfully completed assessment. Note: Assessments applicable are from the day of purchase going forward.
It can thus be used towards earning Regulatory CPD hours to maintain your fit and proper status.
The FPI has awarded 0.5 CPD hours for each weekly edition, provided that you also successfully complete an assessment (3-5 questions) as ‘verification’ that you have actually completed the necessary reading.
A minimum of 100% is required to pass an assessment but you will have ample opportunities to achieve this result.
Who should register:
Representatives and key individuals who would like to keep up with industry news and the latest legislation developments and would like to earn CPD hours for reading the articles and answering related assessment questions.
Who Should Register
- Key Individual
- Representative
Zakithi Zungu –
this will be helpful to me in growing my career in the corporate environment