Customer Service and Building client relationships
4.5 CPDR549.00
Each and every one of us serves customers in our work, whether we realise it or not. Maybe you’re on the front line of a company, serving the people who buy your products. Perhaps you’re in the salaries department, serving the employees of a company by producing the payroll and keeping the company running or maybe you’re a company owner, serving your staff and your customers.
This course looks at all types of customers, and how we can serve them better and improve ourselves in the process. The course is aimed at financial advisors and representatives and is also suitable for anyone requiring a refresher on customer service or to build better knowledge and skills in good customer service.
Once you have completed this course you will be able to:
- understand who customers are and what customer service means.
- recognise how your attitude affects customer service.
- identify your customers’ needs and social style.
- use outstanding customer service to generate return business.
- build good will through in-person customer service, over the phone or through online resources such as e-mail.
- deal with difficult customers.
- wow customers every time.
Who Should Register
- Representative
- Manager
- Employee
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