Manage your stress effectively
1.5 CPDR183.00
Effective stress management is one of the most important leadership traits and drivers for a successful business. This is because the capacity to feel calm and in control enables one to be more productive and to achieve one’s goals. It is also for ensuring a personal sense of well-being concerning one’s business and daily life.
While stress management may appear to be straightforward, it isn’t necessarily easy. Particularly in today’s climate of increasing economic pressure and political polarization. Effective stress management practices can take years to develop.
Given that how you manage stress impacts your health and well-being and your success in life, this short course provides an overview of the key tools, strategies and practices that improve stress management and productivity. This is followed by a short assessment to enable learners to measure their progress.
This course, therefore, seeks to assist in developing one’s capacity to manage one’s well-being while increasing productivity.
Once you have completed this course you will be able to:
- understand the importance of time management and its role in ensuring a successful advisory business.
- understand the different time management tools, strategies and practices.
- understand how to apply time management tools and strategies to everyday business management.
Who Should Register
- Key Individual
- Compliance Officer
- Representative
- Manager
- Employee
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